330-893-SEAL (7325)
Sometimes the solution to your problems is right under your nose.
Jeremy, a photographer who captures images for our website and some of our other marketing materials, has slowly been getting an education about all that Eco-Seal has to offer: waterproofing, foundation repair, french drains, basement exits and windows, and more.
As he was doing some renovations to his home in Canton, getting ready to put it on the market, Jeremy noticed water along the basement wall at the front of his home. Thankfully, he knew exactly who to call, and our Eco-Seal team was quickly on the scene.
We performed and exterior waterproofing job on his home. During excavation, we also noticed that the previous company had not installed footer drains along that front wall. So, in addition to the waterproofing solution, we installed an exterior footer drain and sump pump to completely remedy the situation.
Jeremy was able to put his home on the market in good conscience and sell it to a lucky buyer who will now be able to rely upon the good work that Eco-Seal has done.